Do You Have a Goal?

A Goal Is A Dream

With A Deadline

Make Your Dream A Reality

Set A Goal

Research And Plan

See It Through

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What is the role of the SRA?

The SRA (Solicitors Regulation Authority) exists to protect consumers of legal services. It is the independent regulatory arm of the Law Society and makes the rules that solicitors and firms regulated by it must adhere to, acting in the public interest to ensure the regulatory objectives in the Legal Services Act are upheld.

When Is A Deed Of Trust Needed?

If you’re purchasing a property with someone else, you will likely want to get a deed of trust outlining share ownership and how the property will be divided when the agreement ends. It protects you and the other parties and reduces the risk of disputes later.

Women entrepreneurs: 10 tips for finding true success

The pursuit of success worries women entrepreneurs, businessmen, women, young students… Many will believe they have achieved it, others will think they are on the right path and some will keep trying to find it. However, what is success? You hear a lot about it: “being a successful person”, and “achieving success”… These are expressions that we hear every day and that, in general, we tend to associate with professional life. It is not uncommon that when someone says that they have been “successful in something” we think that they are referring to a promotion, a recognition… or a milestone in the workplace.

Innovative small business ideas to get you started

Several people take a leap of faith and start a small business. On the other hand, there are many people who can never advance from a job. Now, it’s completely up to you whether you want to do something for yourself or just live someone else’s dream.

Best books for entrepreneurs you should read

The literature for entrepreneurs is very broad. It encompasses everything from manuals and practical guides to personal development books that are a source of inspiration for those entering the world of business.

Tips for marketing your candle business

The candle business is one of the most popular yet challenging businesses to market. Creating awareness of your candle business is essential for long-term success, but it’s not easy. First, you need to generate interest in your product before you can begin selling it, and then you need to be able to distribute and promote it effectively so that customers can find and buy your candles. In this blog post, we’ll outline the essential steps you need to take to market your candle business successfully. So start planning your marketing strategy today! This content is presented by

Business ideas for young entrepreneurs and students

Being an entrepreneur means starting your own business, being your boss, working the hours you decide, gaining financial independence… In many cases, it means turning your life around 180 degrees and assuming the risks involved in starting any business from scratch. It is fighting for an idea, a dream, and having a lot, a lot of persistence. And if you have come this far, it is because you already have it in mind: you want to undertake. Therefore, we show you the best business ideas for young entrepreneurs.

Best business ideas for women in 2022

The growing threat of COVID-19 caused people to suffer job losses. This created a change in the work environment and in companies. Many people had to leave their jobs or were fired from them. The trend to start personal businesses skyrocketed. This timeline is also known as the great resignation. If you look at the data, the number of business ideas for women in entrepreneurship has doubled compared to men in the last year. We will discuss business ideas for women can use them.

Small business ideas with little money or free

Are you looking for business ideas to start with little money or for free? You came to the right place!

Today, many people around the world are looking for business ideas that they can start without investing so much.

The reasons for looking for business ideas are varied: to supplement their income, to leave traditional jobs and start their own business, or because many people lost their jobs after the pandemic.
